Rules, Terms and Conditions

LSUI: Loan Scholarship Program for Undergraduate Students Residing in India

This Loan Scholarship is awarded to Indian students studying in India for Undergraduate (Bachler or diploma) and master degree courses. A loan scholarship of Rs. 15,000 to $25,000 is awarded to the deserving students according to discipline of the study (Commerce, Arts, Engineering, Medicine, etc.). A scholarship (grant) of Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 50,000 also is awarded to deserving students from the donor advised endowment funds. Generally, a loan scholarship or scholarship (is awarded to 40 to 80 students in India each year. The program is operated through IAAMJV Trust, Amdavad.

An effort is being made to spread the message to the community to expand the program to benefit more students and also, to increase the award amount.

The student must submit his application ‘ONLINE’ including submission of all required documents (pdf file only) and references on or before the application deadline. Incomplete application will not be considered for the award scrutiny. The applicant must insure that his application is complete.

Applicant or approved awardees are requested to stay in touch with the LSGI Committee Chair.

Program Name:
Loan Scholarships for Undergraduate Study in India (called LSUI program)s
Amount of Award:
  • Loan scholarship of Rs. 15,000 to Rs, 25,000 or Scholarship of Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 50,000 per year
Application Deadline:
  • August 31 of the current year
Award Notification Date:
  • October 1st of the current year
Eligibility criteria:
  • Born in Jain Family, at least one of the parents must be Jain
  • Must be admitted in Indian college
Award Selection Criteria:

Each completed application will be reviewed and scrutinized based on the award selection criteria by India Scholarship committee. The scrutiny includes but not limited to the following:

  • Financial Need
  • School Grade/Results
  • Verifying with References
  • Student Interview

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