Rules, Terms and Conditions

LSGI: Loan Scholarship for Graduates from India Studying for Master Program in USA

This Loan Scholarships (LSGI) is for Indian students admitted to USA University. This LSGI is an interest-free loan up to two years after the graduation. Student should start paying in next two years after the graduation. The LSGI program will award a loan scholarship of $5,000/- to each EC-approved student, one time during their graduate study.

Repayment of the loan shall begin within 24 months of graduation. This program is highly dependent on their past student repayment. The IAAMJV hopes that our past awarded recipients continue to support this program.

The student must submit his application ‘ONLINE’ including submission of all required documents and references on or before the application deadline. Incomplete application will not be considered for the award scrutiny. The applicant must insure that his application is complete.

Completed applications received after the deadline may be considered for the next semester award.

Applicant or approved awardees are requested to stay in touch with the LSGI Committee Chair.

Program Name:
  • Loan Scholarships for graduate Indian students
Amount of Loan:
  • $5,000/- per student, one time
Application Deadline:
  • Spring Semester: February. 01 of the running year.
  • Fall Semester: September .01 of the running year.
Award Notification Date:
  • Spring Semester: Generally by 1st week of October. of the running year.
  • Fall Semester: Generally by 1st week of March of the running year
Eligibility criteria:
  • Born in Jain Family
  • Undergraduate degree from an Indian university/college.
  • Must be admitted in USA University
  • Must provide two references preferably having USA status.
Award Selection Criteria:

Each completed application will be reviewed and scrutinized based on the award selection criteria by LSGI committee. The scrutiny includes but not limited to the following:

  • Financial Need
  • School Grade/GPA
  • Verifying with References
  • Student Interview

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